Chair Massage for Your Business or Event
Na Ali’i Massage is Maui’s only professional, licensed and insured chair massage business.
We provide quality chair massage in office settings, at events and parties of any kind.
$125 per hour, per chair, 2 hour minimum (can be two chairs for one hour each). All-inclusive price includes Tax and Gratuity.
One price, no hidden fees, no expectation of gratuity from your employees or guests.
All necessary equipment is provided including disposable headrest covers, aromatherapy, hand massage and can include the HyperVolt fascia treatment.
Contact Laura for more information and how we can help you provide chair massage at your event or office.
Contact Laura:
Prices subject to change without notice and do not include 4.712% Hawaii State Tax or suggested 15-20% Gratuity | 2395 S. Kihei Road #203B, Kihei-Wailea, HI 96753 | All Therapists are State Licensed & Insured MAT 8897 | @2006-Present Na Alii Massage, LLC. All Rights Reserved